Living in Wisconsin means that most senior photos around here are taken during the summer. Winters are harsh, but in summer we can utilize any of the numerous lakes around here to get gorgeous photos. Yet, if you’re up for facing the cold weather, winter can create some magical moments!

Olivia was brave as we ventured down the Watertown Oconomowoc Interurban Trail to get some portraits. I really enjoyed the leading lines that were created by how straight this long stretch of path is.

watertown wi high school senior photos outdoor winter bike trail madison
watertown wi high school senior photos outdoor winter bike trail madison

We also explored the field next to the path. We were there just at the right time of day for the sun to catch on all the golden wheat. You would never guess these were even taken in winter.

watertown wi high school senior photos outdoor winter bike trail madison  golden field

Watertown is small enough that we were able to get around quickly and hit up several different spots. We next headed over to the Octagon House. I love this building’s giant wraparound porch and in the back we were even able to find some greenery.

watertown wi madison high school senior photos female outdoors octagon house winter snow
watertown wi madison high school senior photos female outdoors octagon house winter snow
watertown wi madison high school senior photos female outdoors octagon house winter snow

Lastly, we went over to the Watertown Public Library. I loved the front entrance to this building since it featured old, brown brick and grand pillars. I thought Olivia’s outfit blended perfectly into the colors of the building to create a pretty, soft, and neutral look.

I couldn’t pass up all the different angles created by the building’s features and find different poses to create unique images.

watertown public library madison wi high school senior portraits photos female wintery outdoors building brick pillars
watertown public library madison wi high school senior portraits photos female wintery outdoors building brick pillars
watertown public library madison wi high school senior portraits photos female wintery outdoors building brick pillars

My favorite part of handing over a senior portrait gallery is when I’m able to deliver a diverse array of photos between poses, outfits, and scenery. I was worried that winter photos in a small town wouldn’t create enough diversity, but I was wrong! I love being able to find hidden gems such as these locations to photograph.