Just because it's chilly, doesn't mean you can't pretend it's a beautiful day at the beach!

When baby is due in early April, that means you have to get winter maternity photos and when you live in Wisconsin, that means it can be pretty cold! That didn't stop this couple from heading to the beach and pretending like it was a lovely day outside.

I like to start my couples off comfortably, so we began on this natural place to sit... a tree!

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Then we headed to the beach and mama-to-be even took off her shoes. The sheer fabric on her sleeves didn't help with the cold, but they sure were beautiful in pictures! I loved the details of all the little the flowers. Different types of textures can create some beautiful interest in your portraits.

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Next, mama-to-be really wanted some photos with her belly out. We took a quick break to warm up at the car and she changed. Even though Wisconsin winters tend to be pretty brown, I loved how all the neutral tones looked in these photos. They turned out so beautifully warm, and I can imagine these photos printed and hanging in a living room above the fireplace.

Then, we headed back to the beach with another couple outfit changes. Something smart this mama did was to bring lots of different layers. It made outfit changes super simple and we were able to get a total of four different outfits!

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watertown wi lake mills sandy beach maternity photography photographer flowery shawl winter photos belly out pregnancy
watertown wi lake mills sandy beach maternity photography photographer flowery shawl winter photos belly out pregnancy

The happy couple definitely had fun taking their photos. They were not afraid to be silly with each other and try different poses. Each of their smiles toward each other was genuine, which made getting natural photos such a breeze.